

There are two main ways to approach managing and supporting your 伟德棋牌平台 if you don’t want to hire a full-time 伟德棋牌平台 employee – leave it alone and just fix it when it breaks (the so-called “break-fix” approach), or hire a managed 伟德棋牌平台 services provider to proactively manage and maintain it. 所以这对你的生意是有利的? 让我们来探讨.


Break-fix might seem like a decent option for businesses that are just starting out or trying to keep costs low. But it’s an approach that will probably cost you more in the long run than proactively managing your 伟德棋牌平台, 不仅在财务方面,而且在压力方面, 不确定性, 它还会引起注意力分散.


不只是一辆车. Think of your 伟德棋牌平台 like a fleet of company cars (not too hard to do now that cars are almost just big computers with seats and wheels anyway), 有几十个. Hopefully you don’t just drive them for 5-10 years until parts just start falling off it or the engine stops working or a tire pops on the freeway.

No, you have team that checks and maintains the cars for you a day-to-day basis, 换机油, 转动轮胎, 例行检查并加满你的液体, 等. 这不是你在业余时间可以处理的事情, 或者作为副业送给别人, 或者问问你熟悉汽车的侄子或侄女. 只要你用正确的方法, 你的车跑得更好更有效率, 持续时间更长, 更少的责任和安全隐患.

It也是一样. You shouldn’t be spending tens or hundreds of thousands on PCs and servers, 然后什么都不做来维护它们. They’ll gather viruses and overloaded storage drives like cars gather road wear; they’ll be slow; they won’t get the updates they need; then they’ll crash or get hacked when you least expect it, which’ll take you days or weeks to deal with and cost you a fortune to replace.

With managed 伟德棋牌平台 services, you’ve got multiple eyes on your 伟德棋牌平台 at all times.

Your 伟德棋牌平台 systems and network are at the heart of your business enterprise. So, it makes sense to establish a robust management and upkeep system to make it run smoothly.


专门的伟德棋牌平台管理合作伙伴. The core idea here is fairly straightforward – you have a dedicated 伟德棋牌平台 management partner company working with you. So, 当你的生意还在运转的时候, the 伟德棋牌平台 experts ensure everything 伟德棋牌平台 in your business runs to perfection. 这将转化为更好的软件性能, 积极主动的故障排除, anticipated 伟德棋牌平台 solutions before your business needs them and much more.

战略指导. 进一步, 如果你是一家成长型企业, then your business 伟德棋牌平台 systems will need scaling to keep pace with the market. Strategic 伟德棋牌平台 planning with your managed 伟德棋牌平台 services partner can help define how your company will grow. Their extensive insight and expertise allow you to foresee your company’s growth and select the right 伟德棋牌平台 investments for its future.

安全. 另外, using managed 伟德棋牌平台 services adds a whole new layer of security to your entire business systems network. This means considerably higher insulation from cybersecurity threats as well as ongoing monitoring of all such vulnerabilities across your business enterprise. 


托管伟德棋牌平台伟德棋牌平台 ramp up a lagging 伟德棋牌平台 upkeep process to enable round the clock working and seamless tech integration. This means your business process will virtually never suffer slowdowns from tech glitches, 错误和故障. 在新兴技术领域保持领先地位也能激发性能潜力, 卓越的伟德棋牌平台安全性和由此产生的高收益.

The pace of technological advancement along with rising cybersecurity threats are a concern for all businesses. 使用健壮的伟德棋牌平台系统进行开发, support and substantiate their 伟德棋牌平台 needs these service partners are a key asset to any 伟德棋牌平台-based business process.


规划None; this would just be 伟德棋牌平台 consulting高-level planning and reviews included or offered as part of a package; helps businesses improve their 伟德棋牌平台 from year-to-year and stay on top of trends
专业知识低-mid. 取决于供应商. 至少懂得基础知识,可能有一两项专长. Keep in mind that the best MSPs will avoid break-fix support due to its inefficiency, 所以你不太可能和最有技能的人打交道高, 包括Windows在内的各个领域的专家, 云, 虚拟化, 伟德棋牌平台器管理, 网络, and more; technicians often recruited from enterprise 伟德棋牌平台 departments, 带着他们的经验和专业知识
可靠性低. 故障修复不会维护您的伟德棋牌平台, so it’ll only last as long as the products do under the given conditions without any support.高. The skilled professionals at a managed 伟德棋牌平台 services company will manage and maintain your 伟德棋牌平台 24/7, 在大多数中断发生之前进行预测和预防.
支持缓慢到不存在. Your on-call 伟德棋牌平台 department or guy/gal may be on vacation or busy doing something else when you reach out. 现在你必须花时间寻找和审查一个新的. 或者他们是否有空, 他们可能需要一段时间才能适应你的环境, 因为他们已经几个月或几年没见过或碰过它了.从快速到即时. 您管理的团队将在警报和问题发生时对其作出响应. 当你寻求帮助的时候, we’re already familiar with your environment so we can get straight to work.
成本零前期成本, 偶尔会有修理费用(通常是100- 200美元/小时), with huge unpredictable costs in the long term due to lost productivity, 安全漏洞, 遵从性侵犯, 中断, 等.可预测的, 持续的逐月成本, usually about $50-$150/employee/month; maximize productivity and avoid large unpredictable costs


托管伟德棋牌平台伟德棋牌平台 是一个适用于各种规模企业的综合解决方案吗. The cost is relatively higher than break/fix 伟德棋牌平台 solutions but the benefits are considerable. In comparison, break/fix 伟德棋牌平台 management can only address 伟德棋牌平台 issues when they arise. 这可能会导致延迟,并且支持质量会有很大差异. 对于基本级别的伟德棋牌平台管理,中断/修复选项可以正常工作. 然而, if you want 360 伟德棋牌平台 management that can grow with your business’ 伟德棋牌平台 systems holistically, 托管伟德棋牌平台解决方案是正确的选择. 

